
Dogs can be as gross as they are lovable in terms of the things they do.
The number one repulsive habit in some dogs is eating their own poo, or others’. Researchers found that between 40.5 and 59.3 percent of participating dogs occasionally indulged in the habit. This behaviour seems to be innate, as a mother dog will eat her puppy’s faeces as a way to keep the den clean, and the behaviour is normal for puppies. Adult wolves keep their den clean and will eat any faeces in there for parasite control. Some commercial dog foods lack nutritional value, and that could be a possible cause, or if a dog is starving; it is better than dying. Other undesirable indulgences include:
·      Eating their own vomit – the most common reason a dog vomits is because he gulps down his food too fast. When he vomits, he can smell the undigested food; high protein and fat and is enticed to eat it. The best solution for this problem is a “slow eater food bowl.”
·      Rolling in smelly things – there are a few theories about this one. Foul smells are like perfume and just fun for some dogs. Wolves would roll in something and take the odour back to the pack so others would know what to hunt for. Or rolling in another’s scent masks your own, sort of like perfume.
·      Sniffing hindquarters and people’s crotches – this is a good social skill for dog to dog. They can smell each other’s pheromones; detecting if the other is in season, whole or desexed, approximate age and where their territory is or where they have been. They can also pick up adrenaline and fear. As for sniffing people’s crotches, they gather similar information, and can be trained out of this.
·      Licking their private areas – this is just simple grooming for canines. However, if licking is excessive, there may be enlarged anal glands or a urinary tract infection.
In some countries and cultures dogs are feared and they are considered transmitters of disease, but any creature including ourselves can be contaminators.
Islam – to have a dog as a pet is forbidden, if a person touches a dog, they must wash the area of contact several times. Dogs are kept to herd, guard or hunt, but dogs are never allowed inside.
Korea – many Koreans are afraid of dogs and believe they could attack at any moment. Dogs are a commodity and a source of meat.
China – there is a decline in dog meat consumption and a sharp rise in pet ownership.
India – one of the highest rates of street dogs in the world; around 35 million, and around 20,000 cases of rabies yearly. But attitudes are changing and a growing number of people are adopting dogs.
Pam Brandis
Dip. Canine.Prac.





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