
Back at University, which seems like a lifetime ago, I remember being in complete awe so many times when discovering something new about the human body and how it worked. So many systems that keep us functioning, without us even having to think about it ... an absolute miracle. I just could not get my head around how our body was pre-programmed to be formed from an egg into the amazing functioning machine that it is… without more going wrong!
One system that was not taught about in the Physiotherapy degree was the lymphatic system. Actually, I don’t know that many people actually know much about it at all. Until something goes wrong with it, however, it is such an important part of our body that actually keeps us healthy and is designed to do just that. I was lucky enough recently to travel to Sydney to find out the most recent research and information about this little-known system. My mind was blown all over again about the human body.

So – I think most people know that we have a heart that pumps blood around our body. Arteries carry the blood out to the body’s tissues, and the veins bring the blood back to the heart. But – at every cell and tissue level, the venous system intertwines with the lymphatic vessels that filter our blood three times each day – eating up the rubbish and sorting out those things that need the immune system to fight. This happens in special nodes and organs that are tracked along the course of the lymphatic system, travelling throughout our body in parallel to the circulatory system (arteries and veins). 

Simple, right? Yes – it’s the perfect unison of systems to keep us healthy. But, like many things in this life – perfection does not apply, and there are many influences that keep our body from being able to fight the nasties and prevent infection. When the lymphatic system is not working properly, there are many symptoms that can develop, ranging from lethargy, fatigue, bloating, autoimmune disorders and cancer. In severe cases, the fluid that the lymphatic system filters and drains can remain in the tissues, and we start to see swelling develop in the abdomen, arms or legs. Sometimes, our lymphatic system just does not work as well as the average person. We may have issues with our circulatory system that then impacts the lymphatic system or may actually have had direct damage to the system due to cancer, surgery or trauma. In any case, it can certainly leave you feeling a little helpless.

Like most things about the body – awareness is the first big step to being able to do something about improving how it is functioning or preventing issues from developing. You may know that your lymphatic system needs a boost due to a recent illness or trauma and may need a little more information to empower you. If you feel that there may be a missing piece in your health journey – it may well be the lymphatic system not working at its best. Regardless of your situation, we would love to see you at Physique to help you work through your best road to recovery.





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