
A group of sixteen TMCCA consumers farewelled mask-wearing, on 4th March 2022 by way of creating their own masks, embellished with fabric (supplied by Jennifer Lynch and Anna Mangold, residents on TM). Regular surgical masks, worn by the majority of us during the pandemic, were decorated with colourful fabric by attendees. A big thank you to Rita Keeble, Sandra Evans and Jane Cox for your assistance to the group. The Covid mask has been honoured and will hopefully remain purely a memory, suspended somewhere in the house.
Speaking of masks and memories, talk of the Venetian mask emerged around the time the Covid mask was to be phased out of our lives, and the Carnival of Venice was to end. 

Jennifer Lynch, a lady of many colours and wearer of diverse masks, offered to speak about the Venetian mask as well as donate special fabric for clients to use for their activity. Apart from being a Vocational Educational Lecturer, International Travel Advisor and Specialist in Legal Compliance for Business and Work Health & Safety, Jennifer, the proud owner of a vibrant collection of Venetian masks, was more than happy to display them and speak at this social group event.

After a morning tea of Savoiardi and seasonal fruit, Jennifer presented ‘The History of Mask Making in Venice’. She captivated her audience with her costume, masks, presence and anecdotes on the Venetians and their Carnival by donning varied, vibrant masks displayed for viewing. She built up her collection of original Venetian masks while travelling across Venice. Masks ranged from the Bauta, the Colombina, The Moretta, the Volto and the Medico Della Peste, the latter being the mask with a bird-like beak that was created by French physician Charles de Lorme in the 17th century. This mask was worn by plague doctors to protect them from airborne diseases.  

Mention must be made that our local peacock Percy contributed to one of the attractive feathered masks made by Jennifer herself. 

Jennifer explained that the tradition of wearing masks originated in the 13th century in Venice during the Carnival (season between the 26 December and Shrove Tuesday) to enable people from all social backgrounds to mingle freely together regardless of class distinctions. 

Bridging a link from the Venetian mask to the Covid mask, group members marked the end of the Covid Mask wearing (which was to end at 6 pm that very day) with the approximate end of the Venetian Carnival. Historic synchronicity! 

Patricia Arora 

PHOTOS: (top) Jennifer Lunch presenting to the Friday Friendship Group, (bottom) Masks made by Friday Friendship Group members





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