
Out on a walk or driving on the mountain's roads you’ll notice the rainforest is looking a bit messier than usual. It’s the time of year when the gum trees shed their bark. The red gums have an orange glow and the ghost gums are looking more ‘ghostly’! Each year the familiar sight is a sign that the eucalyptus trees are healthy and vigorous.
The process of shedding bark purges the tree of any mosses, lichens, fungi and parasites that may introduce disease. Secondly, the bark which offers protection to their woody collateral is rigid in nature. Prior to an autumn growth spurt, this tight-fitting outer apparel must be shed to allow for a wider girth. Nature is so wonderfully complex in design; its processes offer us metaphors for our own lives. Unlike other living creatures, we are not dictated to by a yearly cycle, but we do experience seasons. 

There are seasons that feel like a process of shedding. For some, the shedding season is instigated by a decision; a personal audit that identifies parts of our life that require elimination. This may include activities that rob us of time better spent. I confess to deleting my Facebook app on more than one occasion due to being constantly distracted by it. Time is a precious resource that we need to protect. How we spend each day determines our life path. Does your daily routine reflect what is important to you? What habits have worked their way into your day? Are there activities that need shedding in order to invest more time in relationships or personal growth? Are your invested friendships enriching your life or are they taking you away from what is important to you? Consider what might need shedding in this season.

There are seasons of shedding that are beyond our control. They appear unexpectedly, catching us unprepared. They can be life-altering, such as the loss of a relationship, employment or health. The protective bark that surrounded us suddenly begins falling apart leaving us feeling exposed and vulnerable. Like the trees in the forest, we appear changed as life takes a different form. We may even wonder if we will survive the change without the bark to protect us. The shedding season in the forest is always followed by a season of significant growth. Over time, sprouts a new layer of bark that accommodates this growth. Life is a process of constant change. Some changes are welcome while others feel intrusive. When you feel that the bark has been stripped from you, keep your focus on the bigger picture. Your vulnerability is a moment in time. Be sure to care for yourself in this season and reach out for support from those around you. 

The bark that falls to the ground becomes mulch that improves the soil and promotes tree growth. What seemed like a messy, painful experience becomes the stimulus for a season of development and maturity. Look out for one another and we’ll all get through this challenging season stronger.

Linda Gray
0401 517 243





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