
We have a Spring Goddess Yoga Workshop coming up soon. Held at Albert River Winery Sun 15/10/23, yoga and a flower crown workshop followed by lunch. It’s going to be a wonderful day. So, what is Spring Goddess Yoga and what can it do for you? It’s yoga inspired by the rising energy of the Earth, and Goddess energy is the feminine energy from Mother Earth and all the deities that hold her essence.
We all love order, predictability, and safety. As humans we crave it, and for some people that’s the only way they can live. And then something happens that wrecks that order: an illness, a death, a life change like retrenchment, and our carefully ordered life falls apart. Some people can rise to the occasion and sail through, but for many of us we sink further into chaos before hopefully we overcome it, and almost all of us emerge wiser, stronger, and better for the experience. In the bigger picture, chaos is necessary, as it wakes us up from our complacency and dormancy, stirring the spirit into action. It is the light that ignites our creative spark and fuels our inner fire to change, to transform and to remember our divine power to create life, love, passion, and pleasure in all that we do.
Chaos is non-linear in nature and therefore is deeply related to the feminine, and this feminine chaotic power is what we try to avoid at all costs, because the feminine has the power to dismantle our carefully constructed lives and send us spiralling out of control. Think of a new baby, the ultimate gift of the feminine. A small baby does not honour your carefully ordered life, it is totally self-absorbed with its need for food, love, touch, comfort, and pleasure. As parents, just to survive, we must ditch our carefully controlled routines to serve the needs of this tiny tyrant and we both emerge from the chaos with the greatest joy and sweetness that only a parent-child relationship can give. 
Goddess yoga embraces the feminine and balances the masculine. The masculine is doing energy, while the feminine is being. Neither is better, and both have their place. Unfortunately, our society places huge value on doing, which is why many of us are anxious and overwhelmed. We feel like we always must be doing something. Goddess energy is about recognising when you need to pause, rest, and find stillness. Goddess yoga is about tuning into your emotions and becoming aware of those hidden thoughts, feelings, pain, shame, and trauma in your subconscious. A lifetime of ignoring these emotions can lead to anxiety, stress, and mistrust of ourselves.
The workshop is a perfect balance of movement, stillness, creativity and laughter. Beautifully balanced and lots of fun. Fit for the Gods and Goddesses in all of us!
Margot Wagner
Yoga Under the Bodhi Tree
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