
Hello Scenic News readers. I am writing this to you almost knee deep in chocolate and celebrating divine weather on this lovely Easter Sunday. Forgive me if my impending chocolate coma arrives before I sign off.
Today’s topic is scars and it is close to me. Many things are of course. But I recently had a mole removed, and it was a large one. The wound area is large, so I anticipate the size of the scar will be equally significant. Over the years, I’ve had approximately 15 moles removed. Not because I am not protecting my skin outdoors necessarily, but I have been genetically unfortunate to inherit skin that loves to attract nasty moles. Despite my Spanish heritage, I didn’t get the tan skin. Most of my scars have been easy to cover up. I go to some detailed lengths to cover them up because I was embarrassed to show them. Yes, I know the quote “Scars are a symbol of the battles you’ve endured” which is lovely, but sometimes, just sometimes you don’t feel the need to showcase your battles – won or lost. Scars can really hit a person’s confidence hard. Or they promote this idea that people can ask what happened. Sometimes it’s a battle you want to forget.
And here we are, two weeks after the procedure, and I had the stitches removed. No easy feat because again (thanks skin), my skin was very advanced in its mission to repair and commenced growing over the stitches. So that was a journey, and a painful one all in itself.
Thinking about the healing process, glancing at my array of tonics, botanicals and herb garden at my disposal and then actually feeling the scar. The elevation and size had me immediately research a potential ointment to help scar tissue. This comes with a solution to reduce its visibility and genuinely help its natural healing too.
I am currently trialling a version – which I won’t share just yet. But it seems to be working well. What I will share is some very powerful common ingredients you could try yourself to help that scar tissue look and feel less intense.
3 key ingredients you probably have at home that are key players in skin cell regeneration:
·      Aloe Vera – If you have a plant, slice it open and pop that goodness straight on.
·      Vitamin E – Pierce open a tiny capsule and drip it on. A little goes a long way
·      Honey – Apply a small amount of honey to your scar nightly. Covering with a band aid and removing and washing in the morning.
You can follow my journey of creating a scar treatment and seeing my progression, head to my website and sign up to my newsletter.
Although Easter for you has now come and gone, I do hope it was filled with love, laughing and whatever you choose to fill your bucket with. Mine certainly was.
And as always, spread kindness like it’s jam on toast!





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