
Did you know that every thought in your mind produces energy? Scientists have discovered that our thoughts give off little packets of energy called photons which are the fundamental particles of light. So, when you say “I’ve had a bright idea” it’s quite literally true!
The energy generated by our thoughts drives our behaviour and influences our outcomes. For example, you set out to do a task you’ve never done before. You might start with the thought, “I can’t do this”. The energy produced by your thought feeds further thoughts in the same theme. When your first attempt fails, this is confirmation that your thoughts were correct. The outcome is you are quick to give up. Alternatively, you begin with the thought, “I haven’t done this before but there’s no reason why I can’t learn how to do it.” This thought also feeds similar thoughts and after several attempts you persist until you finally master it. Why? Because the energy produced by your positive thoughts spurred you on to keep trying.
Studies have shown that the energy produced by our thoughts is influential on our physical health. Most would be familiar with the placebo effect. That is, when people are given medication that they believe will improve their condition they experience a marked improvement, even when they are given a substance with no therapeutic benefit. The opposite concept, the nocebo effect, is now recognised by the medical profession. This occurs when negative expectations regarding a treatment cause the person to experience a much more adverse effect than what is considered normal.
How does this energy impact our relationships? Let’s say you have a pleasant experience with someone. As a result, your thoughts are typically how friendly/reliable/trustworthy that person is. This forms an expectation that you will have a pleasant experience with them next time. The energy created by these expectations sets up the conditions for another positive interaction. Likewise, if our experience with a person is uncomfortable our thoughts generate an energy that causes us to either avoid the person or be very guarded around them.
Our energy can either repel or attract others. Imagine hanging out with someone who is angry at the world. Think about how you would feel being around them. Now think about being with someone who is happy and enthusiastic. How different do you feel in the two scenarios? Approaching life with a positive attitude emits an energy that others are drawn to. However, if we harbour predominantly negative thoughts, negative energy builds up inside of us. Without realising it, we emit negative energy that is felt by those around us, essentially draining their energy.
Our energy ultimately determines the quality of our relationships. While negative thoughts undermine our relationships, positive thoughts directed toward others causes our relationships to flourish. Our thoughts are little powerhouses so be mindful of what they generate: your behaviour, your achievements, your health and your relationships depend on it!
Linda Gray
0401 517 243





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